Scraper (Django/DDS)


The scraping infrastructure is build on Python/Django and is using the djang-dynamic-scraper scraping library at its core.

Scrapers for the various EU member state agencies databases are build and maintained within the Django admin interface.



The scraping infrastructure project can be installed by cloning the GitHub repository and install the requirements into a Python 3.5 virtualenv with:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt # DEV requirements

The project uses the following main Python/Django libraries:


The following environment variables have to be found in your shell environment, e.g. by adding lines like export OPENFARMSUBSIDIES_SECRET_KEY="..." to the .bash_profile file:

Key Description Place
OPENFARMSUBSIDIES_SECRET_KEY | Project specific Django secret key

Starting a local Django server should now provide access to the scraper management admin console via the browser (go to

python runserver

Scraper Handling

Importing/exporting Scrapers

Scrapers can be found in the scraper_dumps directory inside the repository and imported with the following command:

python loaddata scraper_dumps/farmsubsidy_scraper_dump_YYYY-MM-DD_dds_[DDS_VERSION_NUMBER].json #Generic
python loaddata scraper_dumps/farmsubsidy_scraper_dump_2016-01-18_dds_v094.json #Example


It is recommended to match the project installation DDS version with the version from the scraper dump, otherwise DB changes during DDS version changes have to be looked at closely in the DDS release notes and manual adoptions to the JSON dump format might be necessary.

Creating a new Scraper

For creating scrapers a ScrapedObjectClass Payment has to be defined in the Django admin (see the definition from the scraper dumps) in addition to the definition, defining the data structure of the scraped payment data. See the Data Format section for description of the different payment attributes.

Scrapers are created per-country wise as Scraper objects in the Django admin and are referenced in additional Country objects, representing a EU member states respectively the associated payments agency.

For further documentation and conceptional overview see the DDS docs

Running a Scraper

Scraper can be run from the command line with the following command:

scrapy crawl --output=data.json --output-format=jsonlines payment_spider -L DEBUG -a id=GB -a max_items_read=4 -a max_pages_read=2

This will run the scraper connected to the Agency in the Django admin with the id GB and write the output in a JSON Lines formatted file called data.json.

Usage options for scraping behaviour can be found in the corresponding DDS doc section for running/testing scrapers.

Data Format

Scraper Format Description

The following are the scraped object attributes of a Payment object. Note that some field are either filled in with static values (like the country attribute) or are automatically filled via external API (like the name_en) attribute and are not directly used in the scraping process:

Attribute Scraped Field Mandatory Description
base Yes Yes Container atribute for element scraping, see DDS docs
name Yes Yes Name of recipient scraped from the site, use both for en and non-en names
name_en No No Use ONLY if name should be translated via Yandex API, add static placeholder processor
country No Yes Always add, with static processor inserting the two-letter country code
zip_code Yes No ZIP code of recipient
town Yes Yes Town of recipient
region Yes No Region of recipient
year No Yes The year of the scraped data, add static placeholder processor
amount_nc Yes Non-€-Country Use for scraping of non-€-country amounts
nc_conv_date No Non-€-Country Always use this and following field together with static processor...
nc_conv_rate No Non-€-Country ...for non-€-countries
amount_euro Yes(€)/No Yes Use for scraping of €-country amounts, otherwiese static processor
sub_payments_nc Indirect No Use for scraping sub payments of non-€-countries if available (see extra expl.)
sub_payments_euro Indirect(€)/No No Use for scraping sub payments of €-country amounts, otherwiese static processor
sp-x (sp1,sp2,..) Yes No Additional helper attributes for sub payments, both € and non-€
extra_dp_url_123 Yes No Helper attributes for scraping additional data urls per payment, see DDS docs

Additional note on sub_payment scraping:

Sub payments are indirectly scraped via the sp-x fields and then added via placeholders into a static processor template of the sub_payments_nc or sub_payments_euro field.

Only scrape sub payments if the two (without market measures)/three main agricultural subsidy pillars are listed, otherwise things get divided into too small sections. Use the english naming translation in the following unified form (for easier/useful faceting later on search):

Payment Type Sub Payment Name Remarks
European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) EAGF (Direct Payments) Direct payments to farmers, largest part
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) EAFRD (Rural Development) Environmental measures, sometimes: ELER, smaller part
Market Measures (e.g. for milk, fruit market) Market Schemes Only sometimes

The scraped sub payments don’t have to sum up to the total subsidy sum, so you can also pick the 2/3 most common ones. For other payments than the ones above use an english name translation.

The following is an exemplary static processor template for the Bulgarian scraper:

'static': 'EAGF (Direct Payments),{sp1} | EAFRD (Rural Development),{sp2} | Market Schemes,{sp3}'

In this case the scraper definition also has to provide entries with XPath definitions for the sp1, sp2, sp3 and sp4 fields. The so-scraped values are then automatically added to the static processor text replacing the placeholders.

General format for the sub_payment string:

'static': '[Name of SP1],{sp1} | [Name of SP2],{sp2} | ...'


Is is possible to add up to six sub payment types to the scraper. The amounts of the sub payments doesn’t have to add up to the total amount of the payment.

Output Format Description

Scraped items are saved with additional serialization customizations defined in the module as JSON Lines items, more or less (one additional processing is necessary) ready to be indexed in the Elastic index.

If currency is scraped in national unit conversion rate and date is read from API.

Data format looks like the following:

  "town": "PERTH",
  "amount_nc": 57444.0,
  "name": "\"A F Angelil T/A \"\"Cluny Estate\"\"\"",
  "amount_euro": 76126.11,
  "country": "GB",
  "sub_payments_euro": [{
    "amount": 32969.45,
    "name": "Rural Development"
  }, {
    "amount": 43156.83,
    "name": "Direct Aid"
  }, {
    "amount": 0.0,
    "name": "Market Schemes"
  "sub_payments_nc": [{
    "amount": 24878.42,
    "name": "Rural Development"
  }, {
    "amount": 32565.71,
    "name": "Direct Aid"
  }, {
    "amount": 0.0,
    "name": "Market Schemes"
  "year": 2015,
  "nc_conv_rate": 0.75459,
  "nc_conv_date": "2016-01-22",
  "zip_code": "PH2"

Recipient Name Translation

For recipient name translation the Yandex translation API is used. YANDEX_TRANSLATE_API_ENDPOINT and YANDEX_TRANSLATE_API_KEY have to be set in file.

Translation is automatically activated if name_en attribute is added to a scraper of a specific country, leave attribute for scrapers with no translation (e.g. GB).

Yandex has the current API limits:

  • 1.000.000 characters per day
  • 10.000.000 characters per month

OpenFarmsubsidies scraping is coming close, so API usage has to be actively managed/recorded to avoid reaching limitations.

Take the following formula for character estimates:

  • (Number of recipients (wc -l)) * 15 characters/recipient

Try to stay under 80% of day/month limit, distribute (translated) scraper runs to different days, avoid double runs.

Creating the Countries Endpoint

The countries endpoint of the API (see: Countries Endpoint) is taking the administrated data from the Country Django model objects as a starting point.

There is a create_countries_endpoint Django management command providing the JSON output for the API response:

python create_countries_endpoint

Recreate the API endpoint every time a country is added and integrate it in the Backend/API python code.


You can exclude a country by setting the corresponding scraper to inactive status.